Get Your Students Industry Certified
Industry leader NECI has partnered with LAPSEN to improve LPS program offerings nationwide. NECI will initially certify our instructors in 9-1-1 dispatch training. Instructors with record of being certified will have those previous certifications honored. Then NECI will train and certify our instructors to be able to teach the initial certification program in their classrooms. This basic 40 hour course meets APCO, NENA and NFPA national standards.
Real Training + Real Certifications = Relevant Instruction

1 – Instructor Certification
High school and college instructors certified to teach public safety career related courses by their school systems, are authorized to teach the 40-hour 9-1-1 Basic Communications Course Secondary and Post-Secondary Education (Basic 9-1-1) after they successfully complete the NECI-LAPSEN instructor certification process.
Question – have you ever been certified in dispatch?
No – I have never been dispatch certified:
You will first need to get basic 9-1-1 certification in order to teach the course. NECI and LAPSEN have designed an online course for our teachers to make it as convenient at possible.
1st Complete LAPSEN 9-1-1 Basic Communications Course. It is a self-paced course monitored by a NECI course instructor.
2nd After receiving the basic 9-1-1 certification, instructors can then complete the NECI Instructor Training course.
The total cost is $425 (normally &750). To register – Click Here
Yes – I have been certified (includes expired certifications):
Submit a copy of your 9-1-1 certification or training transcript from the appropriate state certifying agency to info@lapsen.org Once approved, you can sign up for the instructors course.
The cost for the instructor course is $400 (LASPEN members get $100 off). To register: Click Here
Instructor training course participants will receive:
- Instructor Manual for the 9-1-1 Basic Course
- PowerPoint for the 9-1-1 Basic Course
- Instructor Certification
Recertification: NECI does not require instructor recertification but it may be required by the instructor’s school or state.
Note – Large agencies having 10 or more teachers needing to be certified may host a training for the convenience of their instructors. Contact info@lapsen.org for more information.
Training Simulators: LAPSEN has negotiated a discount of 5% for all LAPSEN members for purchase of 911simulators.com training simulators. There are other options which are described in the Training Simulator section. Such simulators are important as they provide students with the hands-on experience to help them make a decision about working as a dispatcher. For more information: https://lapsen.org/save/

2 – Order Student Course Materials
Each student registration licenses the school to use NECI materials for instruction. It also includes a test voucher that allows the student up to three attempts on the certification exam. Testing can be done online or the school may print and score the test. A certification template will be provided for printing the certificates.
If you are ordering a large order of student manuals, NECI can provide a discount. Email info@lapsen.org to inquire about class set discounts.
To order tests, materials or student manuals: Click Here
Cost per student
Cost per student
Student Manual
Discounted from $49.99 regular price
3 – Classroom Implementation
Once you are instructor certified you are ready to teach Basic 9-1-1. The course is an estimated 40 hours in length. The purpose is to provide them enough knowledge and skills to help them determine if a dispatcher job is for them and ensure they can receive the 9-1-1 industry certification.
The Basic course focuses on all key aspects of dispatcher duties and work skills. These include the various technologies being utilized, legal issues that affect the dispatcher, specific job stresses, interpersonal communication, and the way from a macro view, that all EMS services work together.
The course provides comprehensive learning experience for students through Instructor lectures, practical exercises and multimedia presentations.
To see more detail on course content: Click Here
Instructor Materials
Once an instructor completes their LAPSEN NECI 9-1-1 Basic Instructor Training, they can access the class materials and resources.
Click Here to access the instructor materials webpage (password protected). If you have forgotten the password, email tom@lapsen.org This material is only available to instructors who have completed the instructor training. This is a NECI password protected site, LASPEN membership passwords will not open these materials.
Certification Testing
Schools will administer the Certification Exam. The test may be given online or a school may choose to print and score their tests. Students successfully passing the final exam with a minimum score of 75% will receive certification. The instructors are responsible for completing forms showing student completion.
Programs must purchase a testing voucher for each student who will be tested. The voucher is a number on a spreadsheet where the students name, information and score will be entered by the school. Schools will submit the voucher spreadsheet once testing is finished. Students who pass will be entered in the NECI national database has having been certified.
To order tests, materials or student manuals: Click Here
Paper Testing
The regular voucher purchase allows the school to administer the testing. The school will print the test and answer sheet. The testing administrator will grade the tests and record the scores in the voucher spreadsheet. Special proctoring is NOT required. The classroom instructor may administer testing.
Online Testing
Online access is available for testing.
Testing Information
Testing protocols, special education modifications, failure/retake policy and other testing documents are in the Instructor Materials webpage Click Here to access the Instructor Materials webpage (password protected).
Customer Support
Missing orders, course materials, & NECI questions ask
Chris Wood chris@neci911.com
For instructor training questions ask our 911 Dispatch Pathway Specialist
Heather Joyner heather@thepsapconsultinggroup.com
Where do I find instructor materials like the class PowerPoint or student manuals?
Click Here to access the Instructor Materials webpage (password protected).
I am having problems with the online course. Who do I contact?
Initially email tom@lapsen.org – he will fix it, or direct you to the person who can help.
I have a problem on test day. Who do I reach out to?
First, we will do our best, but there could be a delay in replying. That is why we encourage you to do a run through a few days before testing to iron out any issues. But for testing emergencies – text the school name, the problem you are having and a contact phone # to 770-317-2230
Who do I send the voucher spreadsheet once testing is finished?
chris@neci911.com handles all test results.
Who do I send my credintials proving I already have training in dispatch so I can waive taking the Basic 9-1-1 course?
Email chris@neci911.com – he is the one who approves waivers
What do I do if none of these FAQs answer my questions?
Email tom@lapsen.com – he will direct you to the right person.

Dispatch Training on Steroids:
The SAVE Corporation
Simulators for Emergency Dispatch Training
Click here to learn more about special offers to LASPEN members!