Courses & Standards

National Course Standards

LAPSEN is the preeminent national organization working in Law and Public Safety (LPS) education. An important element in our service to our states and educators is maintaining national course standards for courses offered by LPS programs. Our courses are guides for local states and systems to use as one source of direction as they create their local course standards. We have the advantage of national partnerships with education and industry groups to tap into as we create these courses. We also have a large body of expert teachers, often with extensive industry experience, to help us craft courses that are timely and reflect current trends. LAPSEN stands to support our states and local systems in all they do. Course development is one of these services.

Course Process:

  • Our Board indicates which course(s) will be created or revised
  • We solicit participation in the Course Development Committee which will create the course
  • Once the course is initially completed, we solicit participation in the Course Review Committee which will exhaustively review the new course
  • Finally, the course is submitted to the whole Board and advisors for review and final approval.

Are you an expert? Would you like to serve on a course committee? Email us at to learn more.

Introductory Courses

Introduction to Law & Public Safety (ILPS)

This is the most common first year class. This course allows states to construct their own concept of the introduction course. Like a buffet, states can choose which parts they would like to adopt, but are not required to use any standards in any particular order.



Introduction to Legal Services (ILS)

The Legal Services Pathway should have a separate introduction course. The legal services pathway is more unique in content. There is little cross over between this pathway and the others. When possible, the legal services pathway should start with a pathway specific orienation course.  

  • ILS contents and standards – Click Here
  • ILS Instructor Resources & Lesson Plans – Click Here
  • Prerequisites – none



Introduction to Public Safety Service (IPSS)

Under Development

The course is for a public safety pathways that emphasizes fire, emergency communications, and/or emergency medical response. This is particularly useful in pathways that are preparing students to test for Fire 1 or EMT as it allows hours of preparation in the first year for required training. The course is also a good orientation for a broader public safety pathway.



Core Courses

Criminal & Constitutional Law (CCL)

This course provides an overview of constitutional and criminal law. Students will learn fundamental concepts and skills relevant to understanding the interaction between constitutional and criminal law, as well important concepts in our criminal justice system. Topics include the bill of rights, sources of law, legal research and writing, substantive criminal law, the US court system, mock trials, and more.

  • CCL contents and standards – Click Here
  • CCL Instructor Resources & Lesson Plans – Click Here
  • Prerequisites – Introduction to Legal Services or Introduction to Law and Public Safety


Civil Law (CvL)

The third course in the Legal Services (LS) Pathway, this course provides an overview of the civil law field. Students will learn fundamental concepts and skills relevant to understanding civil law and the legal system. Topics include legal careers, research and writing in the civil field, substantive civil law, mock trials, and more.This also prepares students for the ALP that is taken at the end of this course.



Criminal and Constitutional Law (CCL)

This optional advanced course in the Legal Services (LS) Pathway provides an overview of constitutional and criminal law. Students will learn fundamental concepts and skills relevant to understanding the interaction between constitutional and criminal law, as well important concepts in our criminal justice system. Topics include the bill of rights, sources of law, legal research and writing, substantive criminal law, the US court system, mock trials, and more.

  • CCL contents and standards – Click Here
  • CCL Instructor Resources & Lesson Plans – Click Here
  • CCL Certification – Accredited Legal Professional (taken in the third year course – Civil Law)
  • Prerequisites – Introduction to Legal Services



Criminal Law (CrL)

The second course in the Legal Services (LS) Pathway focuses on criminal trial and legal procedure. This course also prepares students for the ALP that is taken in the third course – Civil Law. This course provides an overview of the criminal law field. Students will learn fundamental concepts and skills relevant to understanding criminal law. Topics include search and seizure, criminal laws, analyzing statutes, legal research and writing, mock trials, and more.

  • CrL contents and standards – Click Here
  • CrL Instructor Resources & Lesson Plans – Click Here
  • CrL Certification – Accredited Legal Professional (taken in the third year course – Civil Law)
  • Prerequisites – Introduction to Legal Services 



Detention and Corrections (DC)

Under Development 

Detention and Corrections (DC) prepares students to work in the fastest-growing career field in LPS. Once students complete this course they will be fully prepared for entry-level work in the field. This course provides an in-depth exploration of the criminal justice system, focusing on the role and responsibilities of detention officers and correctional professionals. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various components involved in the correctional field, including the purpose of detention facilities, rehabilitation strategies, and the ethical considerations associated with working in corrections. Skills learned in DC will also prepare students interested in careers in law enforcement and other LPS careers to build experience prior to their 21st birthday.

  • CCL contents and standards – Under Devleopment 
  • CCL Instructor Resources & Lesson Plans – Click Here
  • CCL Certification – Basic Detention Officer – Under Devleopment 
  • Prerequisites – Introduction to Law & Public Safety



Law Enforcement (LE)

Law Enforcement prepares individuals to perform the duties of police and public security officers, including patrol and investigative activities, traffic control, crowd control, public relations, witness interviewing, evidence collection and management, court procedures and the law in general. Basic crime prevention methods, weapon and equipment operation, equipment maintenance, and other routine law enforcement responsibilities are also included.




Security & Protective Services (SPS)

Security and Protective Services prepares students to work in the fastest-growing career field in LPS. Once students complete this course they will be fully prepared for entry-level work in the field. Students will be able to take the Certified Protection Officer (CPO) certification exam. The CPO is recognized by thousands of employers worldwide. Students will be able to be employed immediately in a field with excellent compensation and opportunities. Skills learned in SPS will also prepare students interested in careers in law enforcement and other LPS careers to build experience prior to their 21st birthday.
